NewsLetter 20

NewsLetter 20

Hey there, What an incredible month it's been, from representing our college's coding prowess at the ICPC Regionals, to warmly welcoming the first years to Turing Hut. Here are the latest tech opportunities awaiting you - grab them before they're gone!



Representing our college, team "Wrong Angled Triangle" - Shashank Varma (3rd year ECE), Kurudi Sreekar Vyas (3rd year CSE) and Dampuru Nisritha Reddy (3rd year CSE) took part in the ICPC - International Collegiate Programming Contest - Amritapuri Regionals, 2023, and secured an AIR of 42 among 228 teams (Amritapuri, Coimbatore, Bangalore). The team stood 1st among all the participants that participated in Amritapuri sub region. The AIR of 42 was achieved by solving 4 problems with 0 penalties; this is the best rank and the most no. of problems solved by any VNRVJIET team in any ICPC Regionals. They say, "Give as many contests as possible, up solve and learn from your mistakes for those topics will reside in your mind forever. Keep a close circle of like-minded CP'ers who are as enthusiastic and zealous as you are and you'll go places".

Interesting Reads

  • Early Grey - The First Open-Source Chip
    The OpenTitan coalition recently announced the debut of the first commercial, open-source silicon chip with built-in hardware security; the Earl Grey. This chip integrates a RISC-V based processor core with hardware security and cryptography modules, representing five years of collaborative efforts initiated by Google and lowRISC. A distributed methodology, Silicon Commons, was used to ensure transparency and adherence to cryptographic principles. By open-sourcing the entire protocol, OpenTitan has fostered heightened trust and security in IoT devices. This is a groundbreaking achievement in the open hardware movement; it signifies a shift towards collaborative innovation and transparent security standards in the semiconductor industry. Refer to this article for more information.
  • MagicBot - The entertainment robot
    MagicLab's latest creation, MagicBot, exhibits remarkable dexterity and versatility as it performs a range of tasks from roasting marshmallows to performing magic tricks and dancing! After revealing its initial humanoid design in January, the startup has positioned itself as a strong competitor to the Boston Dynamics' Atlas robot. By utilising a combination of miniature, high-torque servo actuators and sensitive, pressure sensors, the MagicBot's hand demonstrates exceptional manipulation capabilities. With its advanced features and innovative design, this model represents a significant leap forward in humanoid robotics, offering agility, affordability, and sustainability in a versatile package. Click article, to see the robot in action!.

Todo Problem

Here's an amazing problem, you should check out: problem link.

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Thanks to Nisritha, Nithish Thoparam, Sreekar Vyas and Sai Rakshita for contributing to the newsletter

“The most damaging phrase in the language is.. it's always been done this way” - Grace Hopper