NewsLetter 21

NewsLetter 21

Hey there! Hope you had a great summer vacation, we've had a great start with our Competitive Programming workshop. We're all set to bring something even more exciting as we come back from the break. In the mean time, stay updated with our newsletter and don't forget to keep an eye out for the latest tech opportunities!



Team Turing Hut Hosted an Online Workshop on Introduction to Competitive Programming, along with a Practice Contest to give the first years a Real-Time contest simulation. This edition of the workshop was open to all the branches of VNRVJIET, and was greatly received, with a staggering 380+ participants registering from all first-year branches of the college. We are delighted to announce: henceforth all activities of Turing Hut will be open for all branches!

Soon, we'll also be having a Selection Contest for Turing Hut's peer-to-peer learning programme 2024-25, details of which will be shared in a while.

And for those of you who missed out on the workshop, we've got you covered. Here are the links for the Workshop Class: Session 1 & Session 2

Here are some problems for summer practice: CP_Practice.

Interesting Reads

  • NASA's Psyche - The Next-Gen Propulsion
    The Psyche mission is a journey to a unique, metal-rich asteroid orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. The mission is led by Arizona State University, while NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is responsible for mission management, operations and navigation. The spacecraft's solar-electric propulsion chassis will be built by Maxar, with a payload that includes an imager, magnetometer, and a gamma-ray spectrometer. While navigators are continuously firing their Science-Fiction worthy thrusters, the spacecraft has passed its six-month checkup with flying colours. The thrusters of the solar propulsion system use electromagnetic fields to accelerate and expel charged xenon atoms or ions. These expelled ions generate thrust, propelling Psyche through space and emitting an ethereal blue glow. Without atmospheric drag, the spacecraft will accelerate to speeds of up to 124,000 mph (200,000 kph) relative to Earth on its journey to the asteroid belt. For Psyche's recent activity, click here. For details on the entire mission, go here.
  • Optogenetics - The Light & Muscle Connect
    The MIT Grad Herrera-Arcos and his colleagues are poised to revolutionize artificial muscle stimulation. For years, researchers have been investigating functional electrical stimulation (FES) to control muscles in the body. While this method typically activates the entire muscle at once, the MIT team sought to explore an alternative approach. They decided to experiment with controlling muscle contraction using optical molecular machines through optogenetics. This process involves changing cells genetically to make them express light-sensitive proteins. This enables the cells to contract when they are exposed to light from outside. MIT is currently working on creating new proteins and methods for delivering them. You can click here to get a deeper insight into the entire process.

Todo Problem

Here's the link to a wonderful question that you should check out: problem link.

Do you have any opportunities, articles or experiences you would like to share? Fill out this form for a chance to be featured in our next newsletter.

Thanks to T Aniketh, Akshaya and Shailesh for contributing to the newsletter

“The most damaging phrase in the language is.. it's always been done this way” - Grace Hopper